November 3, 2023

The Season's First Frost at My Farm

Here at my Bedford, New York farm, we've just had the first frost of the season.

Supporting a working farm is a lot of work. In order for it to thrive, there are many things to keep track of, especially in the gardens - when to prune trees and shrubs, when to fertilize all the plants, and when to prepare for the season's first and last frost. Frost dates are important for all gardeners to know, as they indicate the start and end of the gardening season. A frost happens when the air temperature drops to around 32-degrees Fahrenheit. A freeze happens when air temperature dips below 32-degrees Fahrenheit. A hard freeze is usually between 28 and 25-degrees Fahrenheit, and a killing freeze is 24-degrees and colder. Earlier this week, various areas of my farm were covered in ice crystals - our first frost, and the start of the cold season ahead.

Enjoy these photos.

November 2, 2023

Storing Citrus and Figs

All my dwarf citrus trees are now safely tucked away for the winter.

I have quite a large collection of warm-weather plants at my Bedford, New York farm, including citrus trees and a vast array of other tropical specimens. During the colder months, these warm-weather plants must move indoors, where temperatures and humidity levels can be controlled. Fortunately, I am able to keep them in high-grade greenhouses, where they can thrive for seven months out of the year. This week, my outdoor grounds crew and gardeners moved the last of the plants into their designated enclosures, grooming and feeding every one before it is brought indoors.

Here's a look inside the citrus hoop house. Enjoy these photos.


November 1, 2023

Halloween at the Farm

I hope you all had a fun and safe Halloween!

Halloween is among my favorite occasions. I always decorate the front entrance to my farm in preparation for all the little ghosts and goblins that go trick or treating on All Hallows' Eve. This year, I added something even more exciting than candy to each of the children’s treat bags.

Enjoy these photos!