August 24, 2024

A Guest Blog from a Trip to Tulum, Mexico

Here at my Bedford, New York farm, whenever a member of my team returns from vacation, I always encourage them to share some of their photos.

My operations manager, Matt Krack, recently returned from a summer trip with his sons to Tulum, a town on the Caribbean coastline of Mexico’s Yucatán Peninsula. There, he and his family walked along Tulum's beautiful white sandy beaches, snorkeled in underground limestone caves, learned about well-preserved ancient Mayan ruins, toured historical buildings, and enjoyed the area's local foods - every day was filled with activity, learning, and fun.

Here are some photos, enjoy.

August 23, 2024

Harvesting Celery, Okra, Beets, and More

Here at my Bedford, New York farm, there are still so many fresh, organic vegetables to pick and enjoy.

Many of you often ask what I do with all the many vegetables I grow. Most of them are shared with my daughter, Alexis, and her children, Jude and Truman – they love all vegetables. I also share them with friends and use them in dishes for my own gatherings. Some are put aside for various media shoots or for testing recipes here at my farm. Nothing is ever wasted – whatever isn’t used goes to my beloved chickens, geese, and peafowl. This week, I also picked some delicious fruits.

Enjoy these photos.

August 22, 2024

Trees Around My Farm

Summer weather here at my farm is expected to be sunny and mild today - only reaching 75-degrees Fahrenheit. Hard to believe the season is almost over.

It always amazes me how quickly plants and trees grow from day-to-day. Many flowers have already finished blooming for the season, but the trees, most of which I've planted through the years, are still so beautiful and lush with foliage.

Enjoy these images.