November 8, 2023

November at Skylands

I love Maine in summer, when I can enjoy the great weather with family and friends, but it's also very beautiful there in autumn, when one can see the glorious changing of the seasons.

Cheryl DuLong and Wendy Norling, who work up at Skylands, my home in Maine, love the outdoors and nature. They often keep me updated by sending photographs of the property and the surrounding areas. Here are some wonderful late fall images.


November 7, 2023

Late Autumn Fruits Around the Farm

Here in Bedford, New York we're still enjoying the beautiful fall foliage despite some unseasonably mild weather. Following some overnight rain, today we're expecting temperatures in the mid- to high-60s Fahrenheit.

It's amazing how quickly plants and trees grow and change day to day. Starting in September, many of the trees in this area begin their autumn transformations - changing colors from bold green to various shades of red, yellow, and brown. Now in November, we see more bare branches, and in some cases, the late season fruits. Here at my farm, we see quince, persimmons, the berries on the Sargent crabapples, and those of the Cornus kousa, etc. While we've already picked and enjoyed the many apples, pears, and other autumn treats, these fruits continue to provide wildlife with sugar, protein, fat, and other crucial nutrients to sustain them through the season.

Here are some photos, enjoy.

November 6, 2023

A Dog Groomer Visits My Farm

Grooming is such an important part of good pet keeping.

I have always been a firm believer in regular bathing and brushing for all my furred friends. This is true especially for my Chow Chows, Empress Qin and Emperor Han who have dense double coats. Their coats need to be groomed regularly to prevent them from becoming matted and tangled. Last week, champion show dog groomer, Carrie DeJan, came to my Bedford, New York farm to bathe and groom Qin and Han. Grooming is always a time consuming task, but one that's well worth the effort.

Here are some photos, enjoy.