December 4, 2023

Harvesting Parsnips and Celeriac

Do you know... some vegetables taste even better after a frost? Many root vegetables are best when harvested in colder weather.

Here, at my Bedford, New York farm, much of my new raised bed vegetable garden is already cleared and cleaned for winter, but a few beds still continue to thrive with an abundance of parsnips, and one of my favorites, celeriac. These vegetables take the longest to reach maturity - about four months, but when they're finally picked, they're so delicious.

Enjoy these photos.


December 2, 2023

My Thanksgiving 2023

This week, we all enjoyed seeing holiday photos from my colleagues, business partners, friends, and followers - now here are some of my own Thanksgiving memories.

This year, I attended Thanksgiving lunch at the home of my friend and distinguished interior designer, Stephen Sills. He organized a big buffet for all his guests, so I brought a beautifully stuffed and roasted 20-pound organic heritage turkey to supplement the meal. I prepped and cooked it Thanksgiving morning, and it was perfectly golden by afternoon - just in time. It was a most enjoyable gathering with friends, and a wonderful feast for all.

Here are photos from my Thanksgiving Day, enjoy.


December 1, 2023

Thanksgiving Photos from Employees, Partners, and Friends 2023

All our company employees, business partners, and friends love sharing holiday photos.

As my tradition goes, on the Wednesday before every Thanksgiving, I send out an email wishing everyone a safe and lovely holiday. I also ask everyone to take photos of their table settings, their feasts, their families and their friends, so I can post them on the blog. There are always so many pictures and so many stories that accompany them - it's among our favorite entries.

And here it is - enjoy the gallery. I'll share my own Thanksgiving photos this weekend.