November 28, 2023

Sharing Thanksgiving Photos

It's always so much fun to see how others celebrate Thanksgiving.

Every year I send out an email to all our employees, business partners, and friends extending my very best wishes for a safe and lovely holiday. In my note, I share my own plans and talk about the dishes I am making for the gatherings I attend or those I host myself. I also urge everyone to take photos of their table settings, their feasts, their families and their friends, so I could post them on a blog to share with readers. This year, I opened it up to my Instagram followers - asking all to send in their holiday table photos. I am so thrilled with all the responses and excited to see the pictures and the stories that accompany them.

Here is the first gallery, enjoy.

November 27, 2023

Planting Hundreds of Tulip Bulbs

The last of our spring-flowering bulbs are now planted. This latest batch - 1200 gorgeous and colorful tulips!

If you like spring flowers in your garden, autumn is the time to plant the bulbs because they require a sustained dormant period of cold temperatures in order to stimulate root development. Here at my Bedford, New York farm, we plant thousands of bulbs every year - daffodils, Puschkinia, Chionodoxa, Dutch Iris, Camassia, alliums, etc. It’s so exciting to see the swaths of color in the garden beds after a cold, dreary winter. Our tulips are from The Flower Hat - a floral design studio and farm in Bozeman, Montana dedicated to floral services and floral industry education. Last week, just before the holiday, we planted all of our tulip bulbs in a handful of raised beds in the vegetable garden. They will look marvelous come spring.

Enjoy these photos. And be sure to check in all this week for Thanksgiving images!

November 23, 2023

My Thanksgiving Pies

Happy Thanksgiving! I hope you all have a very safe and enjoyable holiday!

This morning I am busy cooking in my kitchen like all of you. I am preparing a stuffed and roasted 20-pound organic heritage turkey to add to my friend's buffet table. And of course, I am also making a big bowl of my mother's, "Big Martha," delicious mashed potatoes! Yesterday, I was busy baking 30-pies! I love baking pies and every Thanksgiving, I bake one for every member of my staff here at the farm to thank them for all their hard work during the year.

Here are some photos.