March 14, 2024

Caring for the Pergola Garden in March

It's five days before the official start of spring. The trees are budding, the crocuses are blooming, and perennials are pushing through the soil with energy and color.

This is always a busy and exciting time at my farm. My outdoor grounds crew and gardeners are working hard to get everything ready for the season. This week, my foreman, Chhiring Sherpa, is adding nutrient-rich compost to the beds beneath my long and winding pergola. These beds are already exploding with new growth - alliums, camassia, muscari, and more. Soon, these beds will be filled with a spring palette of blue, lavender, and purple.

Here are some photos, enjoy.

March 13, 2024

Blooming Galanthus

It's always exciting to see those first blooming bulbs emerge from the soil, but are those delicate white early spring flowers snowdrops or snowflakes?

Right now, those blooms are snowdrops, Galanthus - the nodding, crisp white flowers that open above clumps of strap-shaped leaves from January through March. I love Galanthus and have many different varieties here at my farm. The hardy fall-planted bulbs are easy to grow and multiply easily providing carpets of stunning blossoms every year.

Here are some photos, enjoy.


March 12, 2024

The 2024 Philadelphia Flower Show

If you’re ever in or near Philadelphia during the beginning of March, try to stop at the Philadelphia Flower Show.

I hope you saw my photos on my personal Instagram page @MarthaStewart48 - be sure to follow me. Last week, while in the area for a business meeting, I had the opportunity to attend this year’s Philadelphia Flower Show hosted by the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society. It is the nation’s largest and longest-running indoor flower show, and proceeds benefit the year-round programs organized and managed by the PHS. Started in 1829, the Philadelphia Flower Show gathers hundreds of talented florists, landscapers, and designers from around the world and showcases interesting plant varieties and garden and design concepts. The event also hosts competitions in horticulture and artistic floral arranging and growing. The 2024 show was called "United by Flowers," and celebrated communities that share in the passion for gardening.

Enjoy these photos.