December 1, 2023

Thanksgiving Photos from Employees, Partners, and Friends 2023

All our company employees, business partners, and friends love sharing holiday photos.

As my tradition goes, on the Wednesday before every Thanksgiving, I send out an email wishing everyone a safe and lovely holiday. I also ask everyone to take photos of their table settings, their feasts, their families and their friends, so I can post them on the blog. There are always so many pictures and so many stories that accompany them - it's among our favorite entries.

And here it is - enjoy the gallery. I'll share my own Thanksgiving photos this weekend.

November 30, 2023

One More Gallery of Thanksgiving Photos from Instagram Followers

So many of you have commented on how much you enjoy seeing these Thanksgiving photos. I received images from followers across the country - New York, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Connecticut, North Carolina, Georgia, Ohio, Illinois, Florida, California, etc.

Thanksgiving is among my favorite occasions, and for so many of us the holiday begins weeks before with careful planning and preparation. It is so lovely to see how it all comes together on such a special day with festive decorations, beautifully set tables, and of course, delicious foods.

Here's another gallery of your photo submissions. Thanks for sharing your memories, enjoy.



November 29, 2023

More Thanksgiving Photos from My Instagram Followers

I hope you're all enjoying the holiday photos I've posted from followers!

This year, I decided to expand my annual tradition of displaying beautiful Thanksgiving images. Not only did I request photos from employees, business partners, and friends, but I also reached out to my @MarthaStewart48 Instagram followers. So many of you responded with gorgeous table settings, holiday decorations, and delicious foods. I've enjoyed seeing every one of your submissions.

Here are more photos, enjoy.