December 5, 2023

Planting Peonies at My Farm

Come spring I'll have even more spectacular peonies blooming than ever before here at my Bedford, New York farm.

I simply adore peonies and have been growing them for quite some time. I have a long tree peony border planted under the semi-shade of giant sugar maples at one corner of the property. I have a giant bed completely dedicated to pink and white herbaceous peonies just across the carriage road from my home. I have tree peonies and Itoh peonies planted in the formal sunken garden behind my Summer House. And last week, we planted 75 bare root peony divisions in what will be my new cutting garden - my former vegetable garden adjacent to my chickens. These varieties will thrive here at Cantitoe Corners.

Enjoy these photos.

December 4, 2023

Harvesting Parsnips and Celeriac

Do you know... some vegetables taste even better after a frost? Many root vegetables are best when harvested in colder weather.

Here, at my Bedford, New York farm, much of my new raised bed vegetable garden is already cleared and cleaned for winter, but a few beds still continue to thrive with an abundance of parsnips, and one of my favorites, celeriac. These vegetables take the longest to reach maturity - about four months, but when they're finally picked, they're so delicious.

Enjoy these photos.


December 2, 2023

My Thanksgiving 2023

This week, we all enjoyed seeing holiday photos from my colleagues, business partners, friends, and followers - now here are some of my own Thanksgiving memories.

This year, I attended Thanksgiving lunch at the home of my friend and distinguished interior designer, Stephen Sills. He organized a big buffet for all his guests, so I brought a beautifully stuffed and roasted 20-pound organic heritage turkey to supplement the meal. I prepped and cooked it Thanksgiving morning, and it was perfectly golden by afternoon - just in time. It was a most enjoyable gathering with friends, and a wonderful feast for all.

Here are photos from my Thanksgiving Day, enjoy.