December 8, 2023

Caring for My Donkeys' Hooves

There's a lot of activity going on in my stable - it's time to trim the donkeys' hooves.

Every six to eight weeks, my farrier Marc Hill comes by the farm to check the donkeys' hooves and give them a good trim. Compared to the horse, a donkey's hooves are smaller, more upright, and more resistant, but like all equines, their hooves are constantly growing. Hooves support the entire weight of an animal's body, so if left unmaintained they can split or get too long causing uneven strides and soreness. Marc is an expert in equine hoof care; it doesn't take long for him to get all five of my Sicilian donkeys done.

Here are some photos, enjoy.

December 7, 2023

A Fast First Snow at My Farm

Even if you’re not a fan of cold weather, the first flurries of the season are always fun to see.

Although no one here at my Bedford, New York farm remembers seeing snow in the forecast yesterday, at about 3pm ET the skies darkened and heavy precipitation began - first as freezing rain, then as graupel or ice pellets mixed with sleet and large snowflakes. The weather system did not last long. In fact, it was all done in less than an hour. Fortunately, all the plants are tucked away in temperature-controlled greenhouses. We are still in the process of preparing for the winter season ahead - soon all the shrubs, hedges and cold-sensitive garden containers will be covered in burlap.

Here are some photos, enjoy.

December 6, 2023

A Guest Blog from a Trip to Fife, Scotland

I always enjoy seeing photos from others taken during their vacations.

This Thanksgiving, I invited friends, colleagues, and social media followers to share photos of their holiday tables. We all enjoyed learning about the various dishes families made and shared, and all the decorations used to make each one of their gatherings extra special. This year, my longtime special projects producer, Judy Morris, did something a little different - she spent several days in Scotland visiting two of her three sons currently attending the University of St Andrews. Founded in 1413, it is the oldest university in that country and the third oldest in the English-speaking world after Oxford and Cambridge. Judy and her family also toured the historic county of Fife, where they visited a longbow range, learned about some birds of prey, and shopped in local Scottish establishments.

Here are some of Judy's photos, enjoy.