March 27, 2024

Late March Blooms

It's amazing how quickly plants grow - there's something new to see every day.

Here at my farm, the trees are budding and various flowers are bursting with color and energy - Chionodoxa, Puschkinia, Anemone, corydalis, primrose, Cornus mas the cornelian cherry tree, and of course the daffodils. All the beds are coming alive just days before Easter.

Here are some photos, enjoy.

March 26, 2024

Removing the Winter Burlap

And just like clockwork, this time every year my outdoor grounds crew begins the process of removing all the burlap around the farm, exposing the lush green boxwood that has been covered all winter long.

Every autumn for as long as I’ve been gardening I’ve covered all my boxwood shrubs and outdoor ornamental urns to protect them from the season’s heavy snowfall, freezing temperatures, and damaging winds. Then, every spring when the ground begins to thaw, it’s all removed and stored away. The entire process is a big undertaking; however, knowing my plants are protected in the cold is a great comfort. And seeing all the healthy, intact shrubbery and foliage at the start of a new season is an even greater delight.

Enjoy these photos.

March 25, 2024

The Growing Chicks at My Farm

The youngest residents at my farm are thriving.

Earlier this year I incubated and hatched more than two dozen baby Silkie and Ayam Cemani chicks. Since then, the peeps have grown and moved into their new "nursery" coop where they can have access to the outdoors. All of them are alert, healthy, and very curious. They will remain in this enclosure until they are old enough to join the adult chickens.

Enjoy these photos.