September 26, 2024

Adding Boxwood to a Garden Bed, Part I

I'm always looking for ways to improve and add interest to my gardens - and fall is a great time to plant trees and shrubs, so the roots have ample time to get established before the first frost.

Last spring, I decided to change the garden near my front gate. I removed the remaining trunks of a stand of white pines battered by Super Storm Sandy in 2012. In their place, I planted a group of medium sized American boxwood shrubs. Now, I want to plant a few more boxwood shrubs in various sizes for additional color and texture. Watch the transformation with me.

Here are some of the first photos of this latest project, enjoy.


September 25, 2024

Carriage Rides Around My Farm

Fall is a lovely season for horse drawn carriage rides - especially here at my Bedford, New York farm.

I share my stable with 10 equines - four handsome Friesians, a Fell Pony, and five donkeys. I horseback ride regularly, but I also enjoy driving and riding carriages. Two of my Friesians, Hylke and Geert, are well-trained carriage horses. They are from Holland and joined my herd in 2022. This week, we had a visit from Dutch horse trainer Anne Okkema, who had worked with Hylke and Geert abroad. We pulled out my marathon carriage – suitable for both marathon and pleasure driving - and enjoyed a few rides along my four miles of carriage road here at Cantitoe Corners.

Here are some photos and a short video, enjoy.

And here's a short clip from that first morning we went out for a ride.




September 24, 2024

Espalier European Hornbeams

I now have two handsome espalier European hornbeams planted against the walls of my Carriage House and Stable Office here at the farm.

Carpinus betulus 'Fastigiata,' the columnar European hornbeam, is a medium-sized, deciduous tree. ‘Fastigiata’ means a narrow form with upright branches. This type of tree can be grown as an espalier, meaning its branches can be trained to grow flat against a wall, supported on a lattice or a framework of stakes. Yesterday, my outdoor grounds crew planted two of three espalier hornbeams from Select Horticulture Inc. in nearby Pound Ridge.

Here are some photos, enjoy.