January 26, 2024

Caring for the Woodlands at My Farm

The cold, snowy, icy days do not have to be spent indoors. In fact, here at my Bedford, New York farm, we get a good portion of outdoor work done this time of year. My outdoor grounds crew is very busy with woodland maintenance - we call it "cleaning the woods."

These tasks are best done during winter when the trees are bare. The team is able to cut dead or broken trees, knock down weeds, brambles, and thorny barberry bushes, and pick up the many fallen branches. Everything is gathered and placed into neat piles along the carriage roads, so at the end all the organic debris can be chipped and spread right back into the woods. Any desirable tree trunks are set aside and cut up for lumbering, and rotten or irregular trunks are reserved for the tub grinder - everything is always put to good use.

Here are some photos, enjoy.

January 25, 2024

Pruning Trees in the Orchard

Wintertime pruning continues at my Bedford, New York farm - this week, the orchard trees.

If you grow fruit trees, the best time to prune them is now - in winter - or in very early spring before any new growth begins. Pruning not only helps to develop proper shape and form, but also encourages new growth, promotes high fruit yield, and maintains good tree health. My gardener, Brian O'Kelly, has been busy pruning many of the apple trees, so they continue to produce bounties of delicious, juicy fruits.

Enjoy these photos.

January 24, 2024

Sharpening Garden Pruners and Shears

I always like things clean, organized, and in good working condition - it's a standard I try to impress upon everyone who works with me at my farm, especially when it comes to our valuable tools.

Sharp pruning tools not only make chores easier to complete, but they also make cleaner cuts, which allow plants to heal faster. Making clean cuts also exposes them to less damage from diseases, insects, fungi, and weather extremes. My gardeners and outdoor grounds crew use their tools all year long, so it is important to keep them well maintained. Each member cleans, sharpens, and conditions their pruners, snips, and shears regularly. The process only takes a few minutes, and it keeps these gardening implements in proper working order.

Here are some photos, enjoy.