January 30, 2024

Plants from Logee’s Tropical Container Plants for Home and Garden

As a serious and passionate gardener, whenever I have the time I always enjoy visiting area nurseries in search of new and unusual houseplants to add to my collection.

During a recent business day trip to Northeastern Connecticut, I made a stop at Logee’s Plants for Home & Garden in Danielson - one of my favorite sources for tropical specimens. Logee’s was founded in 1892 by William D. Logee. He started the business as a cut-flower shop and then expanded into begonias and tropical container plants. Today, Logee’s is owned and operated by Williams’s grandson, Byron Martin, and his business partner, Laurelynn Martin. Logee’s offers more than 1500 plant cultivars - most of which are all propagated right in its greenhouses. I have been going to Logee's for many years, and Byron has been a guest on both my television and radio shows. On this trip, I was excited to bring home several new plants to add to my growing collection - Begonias, Anthuriums, two Staghorn ferns, and a hanging citrus.

Enjoy these photos.

January 29, 2024

Double-Double Burger with Animal Style Fries from Marley Spoon

Everyone who works with me at my Bedford, New York farm loves our Marley Spoon meal kits, which include many of my recipes. They're delicious, easy to prepare, and each meal can be cooked and on the table within 40-minutes - so great after a long, busy day at work.

Every week, I order several Marley Spoon meal kits to enjoy. I cook one or two for myself, and then ask members of my team to take various dishes home to try as well. Recently, one of my gardeners took home Double-Double Burger with Animal Style Fries, our rendition of a popular meal with juicy meat patties dressed with decadent cheese, onions, and a special sauce of pickles, mayonnaise, and ketchup paired with crispy, seasoned oven fries. And, as always, all the ingredients are pre-measured, pre-packaged, and included with the kit.

Here are some photos, enjoy.


January 27, 2024

The Tub Grinder at Work on My Farm

It's very busy and very noisy up at my compost yard - one of the most important areas on my Bedford, New York farm.

If you saw my last blog, you know my outdoor grounds crew has been gathering lots of organic debris - logs, stumps, bark and brush, and piling it all up so it can be taken to the compost yard in preparation for the tub grinder. I like to call in the massive machine once a year or once every two years, to reduce the size of our debris pile into much finer, nutrient-rich mulch. The crew and the tub grinder from Material Processors Inc. in Warwick, New York have made so much progress over the last couple of weeks.

Here are some photos, enjoy.