March 25, 2024

The Growing Chicks at My Farm

The youngest residents at my farm are thriving.

Earlier this year I incubated and hatched more than two dozen baby Silkie and Ayam Cemani chicks. Since then, the peeps have grown and moved into their new "nursery" coop where they can have access to the outdoors. All of them are alert, healthy, and very curious. They will remain in this enclosure until they are old enough to join the adult chickens.

Enjoy these photos.

March 23, 2024

Potting Aloe Vera and Other Succulents

If you want to add some houseplants to your collection, consider aloe vera - it's low maintenance and a wonderful air-purifying specimen.

Aloe vera is a succulent plant species of the genus Aloe. Known for its lance-shaped leaves with jagged edges, aloe vera is an evergreen perennial that originates from the Arabian Peninsula, but also grows wild in tropical, semi-tropical, and arid climates around the world. I have many different varieties of aloe vera. This week, my head gardener, Ryan McCallister, potted up a selection of small succulents for my greenhouse including Aloe 'Marmalade.'

Enjoy these photos.


March 22, 2024

An Alaska Seafood Tasting at New York City's Tin Building by Jean-George

I have always enjoyed seafood - wild caught, natural, and sustainable seafood is delicious and a great source of protein and nutrients.

Last week I attended a seafood tasting event at New York City's Tin Building by Jean-George to celebrate all of the wild and sustainable seafood coming from Alaska. Chef Jean-Georges Vongerichten prepared an array of delicious dishes and demonstrated a selection of techniques on how to prepare seafood at home. He also spoke about the importance of using high quality, sustainable ingredients. Third-generation Alaska fisherman, Hannah Heimbuch, who was on my Roku television show, "Martha Cooks," filleted an Alaska salmon and talked about the state's dedication to sustainability and responsible seafood harvesting. It was a very informative and fun event for all.

Here are some photos, enjoy. And please visit for more information.