April 3, 2024

A Guest Blog from Ari Katz on His Trip to Africa

I always enjoy seeing photos from friends taken during their vacations.

Ari Katz enjoys traveling just as much as I do. Not long ago, he went on a much anticipated excursion with his mother and took some stunning photos. I encouraged him to share a selection and a few notes on his memorable journey.

I recently graduated from American University. When thinking about something that would be meaningful for me as a recognition of four-years of hard work in school, I knew I wanted to go on safari in Africa – specifically to Kenya and Rwanda. My mother, Debbie, wanted to take me to Africa as her graduation gift to me. We started planning our trip to Africa months in advance and our excitement grew as February 26th, our departure date, became closer and closer.

We decided upon Kenya because we have friends, Karen and John Helmers, who had gone on a similar safari two years before us and told us how amazing Kenya was – from the people to the animals, they said we must go to Kenya. And since Rwanda is home to the famous mountain gorillas, my mother and I both felt our trip would be incomplete without seeing them. After showing some of the pictures I took to Martha, she asked me to share my pictures with all of you.

I hope you enjoy my pictures of the incredible animals we saw while on safari.

April 2, 2024

Pruning My Old Apple Trees

There's still time to prune those fruit trees.

If you grow apple trees, you understand the importance of annual pruning and training to develop proper shape and form. When done correctly, pruned trees live longer and have a much better chance of producing more fruit. Not long ago, I had wild apple collector and apple specialist, Matt Kaminski from Sunderland, Massachusetts, work on two of my favorite old apple trees here at my farm - the specimens located in the center paddock now nestled within my living maze. Matt, who is also known as Gnarly Pippins, opened up the tree canopies, cut any unnecessary branches, and improved the overall framework to support the next bounty of sweet, crisp apples.

Here are some photos, enjoy.

April 1, 2024

Budding Trees Around the Farm

Here at my Bedford, New York farm, we're expecting several days of cloudy skies and showers, with temperatures in the 40s - a chilly start to April, but the gardens continue to transform.

I am constantly noticing something new blooming here. While many of the spring flowers are erupting with vibrant color, we've also been taking photos of the various trees, shrubs, and bushes and all the precious buds just beginning to open on their branches.

Here are some photos, enjoy.