April 13, 2024

Flowering Currants, Blueberries, and a Garden Path

What DIY tasks are you taking on this weekend? Quick, easy-to-do projects around the garden can totally transform a space.

Just outside my main greenhouse, where I grow many of my sweet summer berries, is an area that needed a little attention. I decided it would look so much better with a stone footpath leading to the gardens, and a few plantings to give it a more finished look. As part of a delivery of plants from the wholesale nursery, Monrovia, I received three flowering currants - fragrant, spring-blooming shrubs native to the northwest United States. These specimens feature bold crimson flower clusters that are a favorite nectar source for hummingbirds and other pollinators. They were planted along with three blueberry bushes also from Monrovia.

Here are some photos, enjoy.

April 12, 2024

Potting Up Trees and Shrubs

I love trees, and every year I plant hundreds, sometimes thousands, here at my farm.

Trees are crucial. They are the world’s single largest source of breathable oxygen, they absorb carbon dioxide and potentially harmful gasses, and they create an ecosystem to provide needed habitat and food for birds and other animals. Recently, we received a shipment of bare-root tree cuttings and other young shrubs from Musser Forests, Inc., a Pennsylvania-based company specializing in conifer and hardwood seedlings and transplants. Once the young specimens arrived, my gardeners placed them in buckets and tubs to soak overnight and then hurried to pot them up, so their root systems can strengthen and develop before they're planted in more permanent locations.

Here are some photos, enjoy.

April 11, 2024

April Daffodils

So many brightly colored daffodils are blooming at my farm - different forms of white, yellow, cream, and orange Narcissi. It's quite a sight to see.

When I moved to my farm, I knew I wanted to grow a continuous swath of daffodils. After lots of planning and planting over the years, I now have a border that extends the length of one side of my property from my Summer House, past the stable, and down to the Japanese maple grove. Over time, some have faded away and are being replaced with other varieties, while others continue to flourish. I’ve also planted daffodils in the garden beds outside my Tenant House, across from my chicken coops, near my main greenhouse, in patches through the woodland, and in various tree pits around my home, including those underneath the majestic allée of pin oaks where I planted a variety of Narcissi named after me, Narcissus ‘Martha Stewart.'

Enjoy these photos.