November 19, 2024

My Summer House Garden Through the Seasons

Looking back over the seasons of a garden is both beautiful and useful.

On this blog, I share many photos of my gardens through the year - when the plants come to life in spring, when the flowers are in full bloom in summer, when the colors of autumn peak, and when snow covers the landscape in winter white. Documenting a garden's seasonal transformations helps me see what is growing well, or not, and where more plants may be needed, but more so - it's interesting to watch the same area evolve over time, and to take note of its many wonderful changes.

Enjoy these photos of my sunken Summer House Garden.


November 18, 2024

Time with My Peafowl

Whenever guests are here at the farm, they always take time to visit with the animals - my dogs, kittens, horses, donkeys, chickens, geese, and my peafowl.

Peafowl are very curious and social birds - they usually travel in groups, enjoy foraging, and often play together. They live in a very safe and comfortable pen near my stable, where they get lots of attention. Occasionally, I let them out of their enclosure for a short while to roam the area and explore. Fortunately, they are also very loyal and tend to stay close to where they are well-fed and well-protected from predators.

Enjoy these recent photos.

November 16, 2024

The Garlic is Planted!

Another task is done. Next year's garlic crop is now planted.

Although garlic can be planted in the spring as soon as the ground can be worked, fall planting is recommended for most gardeners. This allows extra time for the bulbs to grow and become more flavorful for the summer harvest. Every year, we plant a big crop of garlic from Keene Garlic, a family owned farm in Wisconsin that sells certified organic and naturally grown gourmet bulbs for both eating and planting. Garlic is great for cooking and very good for your health. It is well known to lower blood pressure and cholesterol, and carries many antioxidant properties. Knowing that I also grow the garlic myself makes it even more special.

Here are some photos, enjoy.