November 4, 2024

November Chores Around the Farm

What autumn chores are on your to-do list this year?

To stay organized during seasonal transitions, I create very detailed notes of all that needs to be done around my farm. Over the last few weeks, my gardeners and outdoor grounds crew have been working hard getting all the tasks completed. They've been blowing leaves, planting evergreens, cleaning, feeding, and mulching the garden beds, covering air-conditioner pits, leveling the gravel along the carriage roads, and much more. While we desperately need rain, the weather has been mild and so much is getting done.

Here are some photos, enjoy.

November 2, 2024

November Colors at My Farm

This year's autumnal hue-fest continues at my Bedford, New York farm.

It's the shorter days and cooler air temperatures that trigger trees to change their leaf color from green to red, yellow, brown, and gold. It's this weather that also activates the hormones within the plants to begin the abscission process, the weakening of the connection between the leaves and branches that make them drop to the ground. Here are more of the late autumn colors around my farm.

Enjoy these photos, and remember Daylight Saving Time ends this weekend, so turn your clocks back one hour tomorrow, Sunday, November 3, 2024.

November 1, 2024

Planting Japanese Maples

A garden at my Bedford, New York farm goes through another transformation.

Every year, I always add a few interesting and rare trees to the gardens. The space behind my Tenant House is already filled with shade-loving plants and a variety of Japanese maples, but there were a couple of bare spots that needed filling. Four Acer palmatum 'Bloodgood' trees from Select Horticulture, Inc. were the perfect specimens to plant in these areas. Yesterday's weather was warm and pleasant, so my outdoor grounds crew went to work to get them all in the ground.

Here are some photos, enjoy.