August 5, 2021

Pruning Around My Pool

Outdoor summer chores at my Bedford, New York farm continue with a good pruning of the shrubs around my pool.

Around the outside of the pool fence, I have a growing hedge of two dark-colored burgundy-black leafed specimens - Physocarpus opulifolius ‘Diabolo’ and Cotinus coggygria ‘Royal Purple' shrubs. I always try to incorporate unique and interesting plantings into my gardens - both these shrubs have superlative color and appealing form. They were first planted in 2018 and have done so well in this area. This week, my crew pruned them down quite a bit - some of the shrubs had grown more than a foot since spring.

Here are some photos.

August 4, 2021

Early August in My Flower Garden

Colorful flowers continue to bloom in my cutting garden.

Fortunately, there are many flowering plants that blossom this time of year, including rudbeckias, phlox, balloon flowers, and nasturtiums - and my large flower garden, located just behind my main greenhouse, is filled with them. My goal for this garden was to always highlight unusual flowers from different parts of the world using seeds from trusted sources and seeds I find during my travels. I really enjoy seeing its progress from year to year.

Here are some photos - enjoy.

August 3, 2021

My Long Pergola in Summer

My long and winding pergola is full of striking orange-colored tiger lily blooms.

This pergola, located on one side of a carriage road near my Tenant House, goes through several transformations during the year. In late spring, a palette of bold purple and white alliums covers the area, followed by the delicate shades of lavender and blue from the flowering clematis vines that wrap around each of the granite posts. Now, hundreds of brightly spotted tiger lilies line the garden bed for all to see - and they are thriving.

Enjoy these photos.