August 12, 2021

The Dahlias are Growing

The dahlias are growing excellently this season, and some are already beginning to show off those colorful, spiky flowers that bloom from midsummer right through the first frost.

This year, I designated a new location for our all-dahlia garden - it's behind my vegetable greenhouse in a bed previously used for growing grapes. The garden was planted in June. Yesterday, my gardeners, Ryan McCallister and Brian O'Kelly, staked the plants, so they're well-supported as the heavy flowers develop. Dahlia is a genus of bushy, tuberous, herbaceous perennial plants native to Mexico and Central America. Our dahlias are from Floret, a family farm and floral design studio in the State of Washington. We also have some from Swan Island Dahlias in Oregon, a family owned business and the largest and leading dahlia grower in the United States. And, a selection from The Flower Hat, based in Bozeman, Montana.

Here are some photos, enjoy.

August 11, 2021

Visiting My Five Donkeys

Some of the most popular residents at my Bedford, New York farm are the donkeys - Rufus, Clive, Billie, Jude “JJ” Junior, and Truman “TJ” Junior.

This quintet spends most of the day outdoors in a paddock just down the carriage road from my home. Like many animals, donkeys are happiest when outside where they can roam free, roll on the ground, play, and graze. When guests tour the gardens, they always make a stop to greet the donkeys and take a few snapshots.

Here are a few of our latest photos plus a video of the two youngest playing with their Jolly Ball, enjoy.

Some donkeys love to play with balls. The donkeys have several Jolly balls in their enclosures. Sometimes they will bite, throw and run with these balls - it's a fun way to expend energy and provide good mental stimulation. Here, my stable manager, Helen Peparo, catches Truman "TJ" Junior trying to get Jude "JJ" Junior to play ball with him.

August 10, 2021

Visiting My Fancy Pigeons

It's always nice to see my pigeons outside their dovecote enjoying the warm summer breezes.

Here at my Bedford, New York farm, I keep a small group of pigeons - Homers, Tipplers, Tumblers, as well as one of the oldest breeds, the Syrian Damascene. They live in a pen adjacent to my geese and peafowl yards and across from my stable. Pigeons have been domesticated for thousands of years and have been kept by people worldwide for their companionship, their sport, and their loyal service. Caring for these birds is a nice way to pay tribute to these fascinating and intelligent creatures.

Enjoy these photos.