September 27, 2021

Planting Sweetgum Trees

It's no secret how much I love planting trees, and this year, we're planting so many interesting and beautiful specimens.

Every year, my gardeners and I go through the inventory of potted seedlings and plan where they will go - some in the woodlands, and some in designated areas around my home. I have planted thousands of trees since I purchased my Bedford, New York property. I feel very strongly about giving back to the earth - the more trees planted, the better. Last week, the crew planted a collection of sweetgum trees, Liquidambar styraciflua, in a clearing outside my Northeast paddock and near my American beech tree grove.

Enjoy these photos.

September 25, 2021

More Beautiful, Colorful Dahlias

Beautiful, colorful dahlias continue to bloom at my Bedford, New York farm.

Dahlias begin to bloom with great profusion just as other plants pass their prime, and they last right up until the first frost. This year, my all-dahlia garden was planted in a large bed behind my vegetable greenhouse. We planted the garden in June and through the summer, we all watched its progression. We have flowers ranging from small to giant dinner-plate size in all different colors and shades - many from Swan Island Dahlias in Oregon, from Floret in the State of Washington, and from The Flower Hat, a flower farm based in Bozeman, Montana.

Here are more of the gorgeous flowers in bloom right now, enjoy.

September 24, 2021

Planting Bur Oak Trees

My Bedford, New York farm continues to transform with the planting of many beautiful and interesting trees.

Trees are very important to our environment - they help combat climate change, provide habitat and food for birds and other animals, and release oxygen for us to live. Yesterday, my crew planted a group of bur oak trees, Quercus macrocarpa - two rows along the outsides of the boxwood allee, one on the left and one on the right. They will grow so nicely here, and provide beautiful texture and shade when mature.

Here are some photos.