October 15, 2021

Chicks Arrive at the Farm

It’s always so exciting when chicks arrive at the farm - I hope you saw the video on my Instagram page @MarthaStewart48.

I’ve been raising chickens for many years. Not only do I love keeping them for their fresh, delicious eggs, but I also enjoy learning about the different breeds and varieties. As part of good animal husbandry practices, and in order to maintain strong egg laying production, it’s very important to regenerate the chicken population from time to time. Yesterday, 54 cute, fluffy, and very healthy chicks arrived from Murray McMurray Hatchery, a 104 year old company in Webster City, Iowa. I got Whiting True Blue, Whiting True Green, French Black Copper Marans, and Silver Laced Wyandottes. The chicks are just days old, but they will start laying eggs in about five or six months. For now, they’re nothing less than absolutely adorable.

Enjoy these photos.

October 14, 2021

Seeds, Berries, and Cones

Here in the Northeast, autumn is a wonderful time to enjoy the changing foliage, but it's also a good opportunity to appreciate the many seeds, berries, and cones that grow on the trees and shrubs.

Many birds and small animals rely on the fall harvest of berries and seeds. They provide calories and crucial nutrients that help them thrive during the colder months when other natural food sources are nonexistent or buried in the snow. They also add beauty to the landscape when most flowers are already gone. Here is a sampling of some of the many seed pods, berries, and cones that are around my Bedford, New York farm.

Enjoy these photos, and look back at another blog I posted last month on saving flower seeds.

October 13, 2021

Early Fall Colors

If you live in an area where foliage changes with the seasons, you know how exciting and beautiful this time of year can be.

I love autumn and although the season hasn't yet hit its peak here in Bedford, New York, the changing leaves are providing lots of fall color. I've planted hundreds of trees at my farm, so it's a fantastic place to take in the season's changes and enjoy all it has to offer.

Enjoy these photos.