June 13, 2024

A Business Luncheon Al Fresco

Business gatherings are always so much more enjoyable when accompanied by a delicious homemade meal.

Yesterday, I hosted a luncheon at my home for a small group of nine. My friend, Chef Pierre Schaedelin from PS Tailored Events, and I, collaborated on a delicious menu that included two garden salads - one with young lettuces and one with kale, sultana raisins, and pistachios - both using fresh greens from my garden. I also served tomato tart, onion tart, and a chilled broccoli soup with broccoli just cut the previous day. For dessert we enjoyed vanilla panna cotta with strawberries, also grown right here at my farm. It was an excellent lunch and a most productive and interesting meeting.

Here are some photos, enjoy.

June 12, 2024

A June Garden Tour for The Garden Club of America

Tours through my gardens are different every time - there's always something new to see.

Yesterday, I opened my gardens for a private showing to The Garden Club of America. The tour was part of their "On the Road" trip to Bedford, New York. 30 guests from various states across the country attended. Whenever I can, I always enjoy leading the walks through the gardens to see what is blooming and growing at the time, to share the farm's history, and to discuss how I care for all the many plantings. It was a lovely late spring morning and a very enjoyable garden tour.

Enjoy these photos.

June 11, 2024

Planting Onions and Leeks

The vegetable garden is nearly all planted!

My gardeners have been very busy in my large, half-acre vegetable garden. Last week, they planted the season's crops of onions and leeks which were all started from seed in my greenhouse. Onions and leeks are part of the Allium family. They are hardy, thrive in full sun, and are easy to grow in a variety of soils and climates.

Here are some photos.