January 11, 2022

Pruning the Many Roses in My Flower Garden

One of the many tasks we complete this time of year is the pruning of my rose bushes. Pruning is about more than just looks; proper pruning improves the health of the plants, prevents disease, and encourages better flowering.

There are different pruning strategies for different times of the year, but overall the goals are the same - to control its shape, to keep the bush fresh and open, and to allow for better air circulation through the center of the plant. I have grown roses for more than 30-years. Many of the rose varieties I've purchased are highly prized for their petal formations and fragrances, so proper maintenance is very important to keeping them healthy and productive.

Here are some photos, enjoy.

January 10, 2022

Afternoons with My Peafowl

Here at Cantitoe Corners, my Bedford, New York farm, afternoons are for the peafowl.

It’s always such a joy to see these gorgeous birds growing and thriving. They are curious, friendly, and love to wander the premises, foraging for food and checking out all the activity. Peafowl usually travel in groups and often play together, especially under the sunlight. I currently have 17 peacocks and peahens that live in a pen near my stable. Every day around lunchtime, they are let out of their enclosure for a few hours to roam and explore. They love to walk between the paddocks, and up to my greenhouse. They also visit my Winter House terrace to see if I'm home. And then just before sundown, they walk back to their safe and warm coop.

Enjoy these photos and the short video.

In this video, two mature peacocks are displaying their stunning and iridescent tail feathers. It is not quite mating season yet, but these birds are strutting back and forth shaking their feathers and hindquarters to produce a rattling sound for the females.



January 8, 2022

Beautiful Snow Covers My Farm

Here in Bedford, New York, we're expecting sunny skies and temperatures in the low 30s - one day after our first accumulating snow storm of the New Year.

This weather system started falling overnight Thursday and lasted through yesterday morning's commute dropping about six to seven inches of powdery, white snow. Just as the sun came up, I ventured out to take some photos and to plow the four miles of carriage road here at the farm. Using my trusted Polaris XP Ranger 1000 fitted with its adjustable snow plow, it took me about three hours to do, but I got the job done - I find plowing so much fun every single time! Please see more images and videos on my Instagram page @MarthaStewart48.

Enjoy these photos.