January 26, 2022

Forcing Amaryllis in Soil

Even in the depths of winter, one can still enjoy the beauty of springtime blooms - just force bulbs indoors.

Forcing is an old gardening technique that speeds up a bulb’s development by simulating the conditions of winter and spring - it's a way of fooling Mother Nature and tricking the bulb to bloom before its time. Last month, I forced a collection of hyacinths, which are blooming in my home right now. My head gardener, Ryan McCallister, just planted amaryllis bulbs in soil, which will erupt with magnificent trumpet-shaped blooms later this season and last for several weeks.

Here are some photos, enjoy. Maybe this post will inspire you to grow some too.



January 25, 2022

My Growing Flock of Chickens

I have some new feathered friends here at my Bedford, New York farm.

I’ve been raising chickens for many years. Not only do I love keeping them for their fresh, delicious eggs, but I also enjoy learning about the different breeds and varieties. As part of good animal husbandry practices, and in order to maintain strong egg laying production, it’s very important to regenerate the chicken population from time to time. Not long ago, I attended the 2022 Northeastern Poultry Congress, a large poultry show held every year in Springfield, Massachusetts. While there, I purchased 18 chickens including Golden Speckled Hamburgs, Old English Game hens, Blue Laced Wyandottes, a Buff Cochin, and four Buff Silkie Bantam chicks. I also brought home 46 Silkie eggs, which will soon hatch right here at the farm. All these birds will be great additions to my flock.

Enjoy these photos.


January 24, 2022

The 2022 Northeastern Poultry Congress in Springfield, Massachusetts

If you're interested in raising chickens or just love learning about all the breeds, find a poultry show near you!

Earlier this month, I attended the 2022 Northeastern Poultry Congress in Springfield, Massachusetts - a poultry show held every year at the Eastern States Exposition Center. The event features more than 2500 birds, including large fowl, waterfowl, turkeys, pigeons, Guineas, and of course, a variety of wonderful breed chickens. Various breeds of poultry are exhibited and judged for ribbons and prizes. There are also informative seminars offered on different topics, and an area for vendors of good, nutritious feed and other supplies. It’s a great way to see some of these fascinating birds and to build relationships with knowledgeable, passionate breeders.

Enjoy these photos.