June 25, 2024

Picking Raspberries, Currants, and Gooseberries at My Farm

It's berry-picking time here at my Bedford, New York farm and I have an abundance of these small summer fruits just waiting to be harvested.

I grow many berries - I love sharing them with family and friends, and freezing them for use all year long. Behind my main greenhouse are bushes of raspberries, blackberries, gooseberries, and currants. All of them are delicious eaten raw at the peak of ripeness, but can also be used for making jams, jellies, and other desserts. Yesterday, I along with my housekeepers, picked several trays and boxes of wonderful raspberries, blackberries, gooseberries, and pink champagne colored currants.

Enjoy these photos.

June 24, 2024

Fan Palms Around My Pool

This time of year, I always display lots of potted tropical plants around my Bedford, New York farm.

The Mexican Fan Palm is native to Mexico, but has naturalized in several states including Florida, California, Hawaii, and Texas. It's a beautiful palm tree with shiny, deep green fronds and a trunk that can reach up to 100 feet tall. I have several Mexican fan palms in my tropical plant collection. This year, I decided they would look great displayed around my pool where they can flourish in full sun.

Here are some photos, enjoy.

June 22, 2024

Early Summer in My Vegetable Garden

My large half-acre vegetable garden is so much fun to visit right now because of all the growing produce - there’s something new popping up every day.

This garden, which is now in its second growing season, is filled with so many wonderful crops - tomatoes, spinach, brassicas, beets, Swiss chard, sweet and hot peppers, onions, leeks, shallots, potatoes, artichokes, asparagus, all sorts of herbs, and more. I've already picked several vegetables, and every one has been delicious. Check out my Instagram page @marthastewart48. And, I always plant in succession, meaning I seed crops at intervals of seven to 21 days in order to maintain a consistent supply of harvestable produce throughout the summer.

Enjoy these photos.