February 17, 2022

Repairing a Hay Manger

There's never a dull moment here at my Bedford, New York farm. Not only does my outdoor grounds crew work hard to maintain the property, but they also keep on top of any repairs that need attention.

Recently, my Fell pony, Banchunch, accidentally broke the hay manger out in his paddock. He was rubbing against the side to soothe an itch when all of a sudden the wooden stand collapsed and broke. Fortunately, Pete Sherpa, who has worked here at my farm for many years, is an excellent carpenter and was able to fix the manger quickly - and now it's stronger than ever.

Here are some photos, enjoy.

February 16, 2022

Beginning of Mating Season for My Peafowl

It’s the start of a very special time of year for the peafowl at my Bedford, New York farm - it's the beginning of breeding season.

From late February until early August, the peacocks display their stunning and iridescent tail feathers, strut back and forth shaking their feathers and hindquarters to produce a rattling sound, and make loud calls to the females. The peahens tend to choose males with the longest, most colorful tails. It’s always very interesting to watch these mating rituals up close - the "tail show" can be quite amazing. Many of you comment on how much you enjoy the posts on the animals at my farm, so I thought it was a good time to share this update on my gorgeous birds.

Enjoy these photos.

February 15, 2022

Growing Eucomis Indoors

I am very fortunate to have large greenhouses where I can force many bulbs and enjoy their blooms earlier than their time.

Forcing is the process of tricking bulbs to bloom out of season indoors by providing them with favorable growing conditions. Last month, my head gardener, Ryan McCallister, potted up amaryllis bulbs in soil, which will erupt with large trumpet-shaped blooms later this season. He also potted up a collection of Eucomis, commonly known as the pineapple lily. This South African native has a very interesting flower stalk that is reminiscent of the delicious fruit. These plants will show off a beautiful indoor display in weeks.

Here are some photos, enjoy.