July 25, 2022

My Fell Pony Gets New Shoes

My handsome Fell Pony, Banchunch, is enjoying his new shoes.

All my horses get new shoes every four to six weeks. Made of metal or sometimes rubber or other materials, horseshoes are designed to protect the horse’s hooves from wear. Every shoe must be fitted properly in order to prevent mobility issues from developing. The horseshoes usually remain on the animal's hooves until the farrier returns to change them, but occasionally a horse will throw a shoe during a ride or just out in the paddock. That's exactly what happened to Banchunch -  he threw one of his front shoes, so we called in the farrier, Marc Hill, to come for a visit.

Enjoy these photos.

July 23, 2022

Summer Pruning at the Dwarf Apple Espalier

Here in Bedford, New York, it's going to be another hot, humid, dry weekend with temperatures in the 90s. Despite the uncomfortable summer weather, everyone is doing what they can to maintain the many gardens, groves, allées, and espaliers.

This time of year, everyone is weeding, watering, and pruning. When it comes to pruning, there are different strategies for different times of the year, but overall the goals are the same - to control the shape, to keep bushes and trees fresh and open, and to allow for better air circulation through the center of the specimen. My outdoor grounds crew has already pruned the sculpted hornbeam hedges near my main greenhouse and Winter House as well as the large European beech hedge surrounding my pool. Next, the team tackled the apple espaliers and lilac standards behind my long carport.

Enjoy these photos. And be sure to check out my TikTok @MarthaStewart to see me pruning the Asian pear espalier by my stable!

July 22, 2022

Installing Shelves

What projects are on your "to-do" list this weekend? Here at my Bedford, New York farm, we always have a long list of projects to complete - among them, putting shelves up on a bare wall of my guest house studio prep kitchen.

Mounted shelves free up needed space in any room. Since shelves are intended to bear weight, it's crucial they be installed correctly. One must take the time to locate the wall’s studs and to fasten the shelves securely to supportive brackets.

Here are some photos and helpful tips for getting the job done.