August 1, 2022

Blog Memories: A Day Trip to New Hampshire

My blog team is taking a little break, so for the next few days we'll be posting some of our favorite summertime blogs from years past. This one was originally posted on August 29th, 2018 - a fun day antiquing in New Hampshire. Enjoy the look back. And if you're in the area, this year's New Hampshire Antiques Show is on August 11-13, 2022.

I love antiques of all kinds and have been collecting for many years, so whenever my schedule allows, I always try to attend a show.

Not long ago while still vacationing in Maine, Kevin Sharkey and I took a day trip to New Hampshire to visit a couple gardens and to attend the 61st annual New Hampshire Antiques Show. The three-day event is hosted by the New Hampshire Antiques Dealers Association. This year, 67-exhibitors gathered at the Manchester Downtown Hotel to showcase some of their finest early American pieces - folk art, porcelain, country and formal furniture, paintings and prints, glassware, metalware, pottery and much more. It was a fun morning, followed by a fun lunch and a visit to the country's longest wooden covered bridge.

Enjoy these photos.

July 30, 2022

My Pergola Garden in Summer

My long and winding pergola is full of striking orange-colored tiger lily blooms.

This pergola, located on one side of a carriage road near my Tenant House, goes through several transformations during the year. In late spring, a palette of bold purple and white alliums covers the area, followed by the delicate shades of lavender and blue from the flowering clematis vines that wrap around each of the granite posts. Now, hundreds of brightly spotted tiger lilies line the garden bed for all to see - and they are thriving.

Enjoy these photos.

July 29, 2022

A July Garden Tour at Skylands

As many of you know, every now and then I enjoy opening my gardens for private walking tours at both my Bedford, New York farm and at my beloved home in Seal Harbor, Maine.

Last week, I hosted a summer walk at Skylands for the Decorative Arts Trust - a non-profit organization that focuses on promoting and fostering the appreciation and study of the decorative arts. Unfortunately I was not able to join the tour, but my gardeners, Mike Harding and Wendy Norling, guided the group of 30 through the wooded paths, sunny terraces, and gardens.

Cheryl DuLong and Wendy keep me updated by taking photographs, enjoy.