September 12, 2022

Time for My Donkeys to Get Their Hooves Trimmed

There's always something going on down at my stable - this time, my farrier is here to trim the donkeys' hooves.

Every six to eight weeks, my farrier, Marc Hill, comes by the stable to check the donkeys' hooves and give them a good trim. Their hooves are constantly growing, and they support the entire weight of a donkey's body, so if left unmaintained, they can split or get too long causing uneven strides and soreness. Marc is an expert in shoeing and trimming equine hooves, and doesn't take long to get all five of my Sicilian donkeys done.

Here are some photos, enjoy.


September 10, 2022

More Beautiful Dahlia Blooms in My Garden

Tucked away in a bed behind my large vegetable greenhouse, this year's dahlias continue to bloom with gorgeous colors and forms.

Dahlia is a genus of tuberous plants that are members of the Asteraceae family and are related to the sunflower, daisy, chrysanthemum, and zinnia. They grow from small tubers planted in the spring. And from late June through October, these flowers give off a stunning show with blooms ranging from small to giant dinner-plate size. Many of my dahlias are from Swan Island Dahlias in Oregon, from Floret in the State of Washington, and from The Flower Hat, a flower farm based in Bozeman, Montana.

Enjoy these photos.


September 9, 2022

My Silkie Chickens are Growing Fast

My Silkie chickens, a breed of chicken named for its atypically fluffy, satin-like plumage, are growing fast and loving their new coop and outdoor enclosure here at the farm.

Earlier this summer, I incubated and hatched a large group of Silkie eggs from Stonebrook Silkies in Massachusetts. They are first kept in my stable feed room where they can be closely monitored. Once the chicks are big enough, they're moved to another coop nearby where they can have access to the outdoors. And then finally, they're transferred to a large pen where they can run, forage and graze. This breed is very calm and friendly - everyone at the farm loves to stop by and visit with them.

Here are some photos, enjoy.