July 12, 2024

Maintaining My Garden Maze

It's so important to keep up with the maintenance and care of the many trees and plants here at my Bedford, New York farm.

Two years ago, I started creating a garden maze of interesting hedges, espaliers, and shrubs in the pasture across the carriage road from my Winter House terrace. I've planted hundreds of different specimens that add texture and interest - all according to a very detailed map I designed specifically for the space. To keep them healthy and looking their best, I make sure we prune, feed, and mulch them regularly. I'm happy to report, every row is looking vibrant and "a-maze-ing."

Enjoy these latest photos.

July 11, 2024

My Stewartia Garden

My Stewartia Garden continues to thrive at my Bedford, New York farm.

My Stewartia Garden is located across from my long clematis pergola. The space was once planted with rows and rows of ferns and lilies. Many still grow here, but the garden is also filled with beautiful Stewartia trees, Japanese maples, Cotinus, and lush plants including Epimediums, Syneilesis, Thalictrum, and more.

Enjoy these photos.

July 10, 2024

Planting Hydrangeas Around My Tennis Court

Another outdoor chore is checked off the list - my crew is getting so much done.

My Bedford, New York farm sits on 153 acres of gardens, pastures, and woodlands. Every year, I work hard to design new garden spaces and enhance existing ones. I take into consideration a plant's growing needs and mature size and plant accordingly. Down by my tennis court, I already have a collection of wonderful white hydrangeas growing on one side. I decided the area would look even better with hydrangeas planted around the entire perimeter... and it does.

Here are some photos, enjoy.