July 18, 2024

Picking Potatoes from the Garden

My garden continues to produce bounties of beautiful fresh vegetables. Our latest harvest - potatoes!

Yesterday, before a thunderous rainstorm, my gardeners harvested the season's first batch of potatoes. Potatoes are from the perennial nightshade, Solanum tuberosum. As the world's fourth-largest food crop, following maize, wheat, and rice, potatoes are grown from “seed potatoes," which are certified disease-free and specially grown in nurseries for planting purposes. I always look forward to sharing the bounty with family and friends.

Here are some photos, enjoy.

July 17, 2024

Flowers in My New Cutting Garden

Colorful summertime blooms are now growing beautifully in the beds of a new cutting garden.

Earlier this year, I began developing a more formal cutting garden down by my chicken coops. It had been my vegetable garden for several years, but now that I have a giant half-acre vegetable garden closer to my home, I decided the former space would be dedicated to flowers, where varieties would be organized in sections by size, color, and bloom time. It has come through quite a transformation. Many of the flower seeds are from Johnny's Selected Seeds, Bakers Creek Heirloom Seed Company, and Vilmorin.

Enjoy these photos.

July 16, 2024

Repotting Pittosporum

Part of good potted plant maintenance is knowing when it's time to repot.

Out in my Winter House courtyard is a handsome potted Pittosporum - a dense, low-maintenance evergreen with delicate bold green foliage. The specimen had been in the same pot for quite some time and was in need of a more spacious container and fresh nutrients. My head gardener, Ryan McCallister, selected a pot that was slightly larger than its original vessel with good drainage and went to work.

Here are some photos, enjoy.