July 22, 2024

Repotting Alocasias and Colocasias

There is always so much work to do on my Bedford, New York farm.

During summer, all my large potted tropical plants are displayed outdoors in various locations around the farm. Smaller potted specimens are also put out in groups near my greenhouses where they can be closely maintained. One collection of alocasias and colocasias, some new and some which I've been growing for awhile, was ready to repot into larger containers. Repotting can be a tedious process, but a very important one that keeps all my plants healthy.

Here are some photos, enjoy.

July 20, 2024

My Thriving Vegetable Garden

Here in the Northeast, temperatures today are expected to hit the mid 80s - a little break following this week's humid heat wave.

Despite some uncomfortable summer weather, the growing vegetables at my Bedford, New York farm are thriving. Yesterday, my head gardener, Ryan McCallister, and I picked green peppers, artichokes, beets, radishes, turnips, and others. The crew also did some more maintenance work - weeded, prepared beds for the next crops, secured stakes where necessary, and put down landscape cloth around the perimeter of the garden for my pumpkins. With a garden this large, it's important to visit every day and keep up with its care.

Here are the latest photos, enjoy.

July 19, 2024

Picking Garlic from My Garden

Here at my Bedford, New York farm, July is garlic picking time - when the bottom leaves of the plants start to die back and turn brown, but the top leaves are still green.

Knowing when garlic is ready to pick can be tricky. If it’s harvested too soon, the cloves are small and underdeveloped. If done too late, the clove heads begin to separate, making them more vulnerable to decay. This week, my gardeners picked our crop of hardnecks, noted for their stiff central stalk, fewer cloves, and intriguingly complex flavors. All from our friends at Keene Garlic, a family-owned farm in Wisconsin.

Enjoy these photos.