December 15, 2022

Covering My Long and Winding Pergola for Winter

The season's "burlapping" project at my Bedford, New York farm continues at my long and winding pergola.

I've been covering my shrubs and hedges with burlap for many years to protect the branches from splaying and even breaking from the weight of the winter snow and ice. Every season, our wrapping methods change to accommodate the growing plants, but the process also gets easier and more streamlined. The entire project takes weeks to complete, but my outdoor grounds crew has already gotten a lot done - and just in time... winter officially begins in less than one week.

Here are some photos, enjoy.


December 14, 2022

A Guest Blog from Ari Katz on his Dogs, Puppies, and Pilot Dogs

I love all animals, and I share my Bedford, New York farm with many - dogs, cats, horses, donkeys, a pony, chickens, geese, Guinea fowl, peafowl, and a myriad of wild creatures. My friend, Ari Katz, is also very passionate about animals. On this blog, I've shared stories about his chickens, his canaries, and his beautiful dogs. Ari enjoys showing, raising, and breeding champion Labrador Retrievers. His dogs are in exceptional health and have excellent physical abilities and temperaments - qualities that are essential in service work. Many of his puppies are now going on to be trained as assistance dogs to help visually impaired individuals. Here is a guest blog from Ari, enjoy.

As Martha knows, I recently stopped selling puppies to pet homes and transitioned to selling them to a service organization called Pilot Dogs. I made this switch because as a breeder, I have to be able to justify my actions. I felt guilty creating more companion animals just to keep several as potential show dogs and breeding stock. My mentor, Karen Helmers, introduced me to Pilot Dogs over the summer and we began a business relationship.

Pilot Dogs is a non-profit guide dog school for the blind and visually impaired, located in Columbus, Ohio. Since opening its doors in 1950, its mission has been to provide exemplary services to the blind community, helping them navigate their lives with unmatched levels of independence, mobility, and confidence. Because they rely solely on the generosity of private donors, they can provide not only world-class guide dogs, but also unsurpassed training, on-campus room, and board, round-trip transportation, an Orientation & Mobility program, and more - all at no cost to their students. Pilot Dogs has about 90 dogs in training right now, including puppies and dogs that are with Co-Pilots and dogs that are in the facility. Raising and training a puppy from the time they get them from me to “graduation,” when they are matched with a person in need of a guide dog, costs more than 30-thousand dollars and two years time - it is a LOT of work!

I recently had two litters that I decided would be good for Pilot Dogs. My girls, Mehndi and Kima, had a combined total of 18-puppies! All of them are doing very well, growing nicely, and hitting their developmental milestones. While it was challenging to have two sizable litters at the same time at my family's farm while I am away at school, it is rewarding to know that my puppies will wind up in the hands of a great organization and maybe even be guide dogs someday. In this blog, in collaboration with Pilot Dogs, I talk about my pups along with the importance of breeding wisely, screening for health tests diligently, and the importance of ethics in breeding dogs as potential guide dogs.


December 13, 2022

The Season's First Snow 2022

The first snowfall of the season has arrived here at my Bedford, New York farm and it's transformed it into a beautiful winter wonderland - at least for a day.

Until now, the weather here has been pretty mild. And, although the weekend storm system was very short-lived, it left a lovely two-inch coating of white snow on the landscape. Fortunately, all my plants are tucked away in temperature-controlled greenhouses, but we're still in the process of wrapping my precious boxwood shrubs, hedges, and cold-sensitive garden containers in burlap.

Enjoy these photos of the first snow, and go to my Instagram page @MarthaStewart48 to see more.