January 5, 2023

Inside My New Tropical Hoop House

Here in Bedford, New York, temperatures today are expected to reach 50-degrees Fahrenheit - quite warm for this time of year.

Yesterday was also unseasonably warm - 64-degrees Fahrenheit - warm enough to open my tropical greenhouses just a bit to let in some fresh air. I now have three large hoop houses where I store most of my tropical plants over winter. The last one was completed just a few months ago to accommodate my growing collection of potted specimens. These large structures are made from steel frames and polyethylene panels. Inside, the temperature and humidity levels are monitored and can be adjusted when necessary. And every few days, I like to go into each one to see how all the plants are doing.

Enjoy these photos from my newest hoop house.

January 4, 2023

Saving Gray Wolves on "The Martha Stewart Podcast"

Do you know... nature depends on various keystone species to survive and thrive?

That's right, and the wolf is one of these critical keystone creatures. Like a keystone holds up an arch, wolves help maintain ecosystems. By regulating prey populations, wolves enable many other plants and animals to flourish. They initiate a domino effect and support natural levels of biodiversity. However, the wolf is in danger and it's never been more urgent than right now to stand up and defend the mighty wolf. In my latest episode of "The Martha Stewart Podcast", which you can listen to today on the iHeart Media App or wherever you get your podcasts, I talk to Samantha Attwood, Co-Founding Member of the #RelistWolves Campaign, a coalition made up of dedicated conservationists, wildlife advocates, and scientists committed to raising public awareness about wolves and advocating to restore Gray wolves to the Endangered Species List, and Maggie Howell, Executive Director of the Wolf Conservation Center in nearby South Salem, New York. We discuss wolves, what is happening to them, and why it is so important to help protect them.

Here are some beautiful photos of the Gray wolf, enjoy.

January 3, 2023

Blog Memories: A Trip to Palm Beach, Florida

I hope you had a lovely holiday. I wish you all a wonderful 2023. Here's a blog that was originally posted on January 08, 2021. It ends this look back at some of our favorite entries, enjoy. 

A brief trip south to escape the cold winter can be so invigorating.

If you follow my Instagram page @MarthaStewart48, you may have seen photos from my recent holiday trip to Palm Beach, Florida. I was joined by my daughter Alexis, my grandchildren Jude and Truman, and our dear friend, Ari Katz. We spent most of our brief stay swimming and relaxing on the beach or by the pool, enjoying water sports, visiting a few shops around town, knitting, and watching movies - all done safely while adhering to CDC social distancing guidelines.

Here are a few photos from our trip, enjoy.