March 18, 2023

New Footpaths Through the Goose and Peafowl Pens

Our new brick and stone footpath project continues in the goose and peafowl enclosures.

If you follow my blog regularly, you may have seen my recent post showing my outdoor grounds crew using dozens of pressed red clay bricks that once surrounded my pool at my former East Hampton home to line a footpath inside and outside my Silkie chicken pen. I also instructed the crew to do the same from the entrance of the goose yard all the way to the peafowl coop. This path allows visitors to walk through easily even on the muddiest of days.

Here are some photos, enjoy.

March 17, 2023

Late Winter Snow at Skylands

On this St. Patrick's Day, a mix of sun and clouds is expected over Skylands, my well-loved home in Maine, with temperatures in the high 30s - hopefully melting more of the snow from this week's nor'easter.

The recent storm which covered my Bedford, New York farm with several inches of white also hit the Seal Harbor area - residents there got a total of about seven to eight inches. Cheryl DuLong, who helps me care for Skylands, takes many pictures around the property, especially in winter when I am not able to visit as often. She sent me these images yesterday, showing the beautiful snow around my home.


March 16, 2023

My Farm a Day After the Nor'easter

Today we're expecting partly cloudy skies in the area with temperatures rising to the mid-50s - good conditions for melting the snow from this week's nor'easter.

The day after a snow storm, I always enjoy touring the farm early in the morning to take photos and to see the picturesque winter scenes across the landscape. I did just that yesterday as the sun was rising. Here in Bedford, New York, we got a good amount of snow that stuck to everything. I hope you saw some of my images on my Instagram page @MarthaStewart48.

Here are more, enjoy.