June 3, 2023

My Herbaceous Peonies are Blooming at the Farm

Early June is such an exciting time here at my Bedford, New York farm. It's when my herbaceous peony garden is blooming with brilliant pinks and whites!

Every year, I’m always amazed by the dazzling display of these beautiful flowers. It’s definitely one of the most anticipated sights - we all wait patiently for the floral show. Friends and family love the peonies as much as I do and rush to see them in all their splendor. When I first planted this garden, I knew I wanted many, many peonies in one large area. I chose a location across from my Winter House, where there's lots of room and full sun - a perfect spot outside my window.

Enjoy these photos.


June 2, 2023

Seeding My Horse Pastures

Here at my Bedford, New York farm, we're expecting some cooler weather and hopefully a bit of rain over the weekend - good conditions for the recent over-seeding we did in my pastures.

I am very fortunate to have several paddocks where my horses and donkeys can graze. Late winter to spring is the best time to over-seed these areas. Not long ago, my outdoor grounds crew tackled two large enclosures. First, we used our Land Pride aerator to properly loosen the soil and prepare it for good drainage. Then we attached a commercial sized rotary-spin broadcast spreader to our Kubota tractor and distributed our custom high grade grass seed mix from Hancock Farm & Seed Company.

Here are some photos, enjoy.

June 1, 2023

The Season's Tomatoes are Planted!

Tomatoes, Solanum lycopersicum, have long been one of America’s favorite garden vegetables. Those bold red, sun-ripened tomatoes bring on the taste of summer with every bite. And, they’re filled with excellent antioxidants and vitamins.

Just a handful of healthy plants can produce a bounty of delicious fruits within six to eight weeks. The best time to plant tomatoes is when daytime temperatures are consistently above 65-degrees Fahrenheit. Last week the weather was perfect and my gardeners planted our tomato crop - about 120-plants. Many of them were grown from seed right here in my greenhouse. They're all doing excellently in my new large half-acre garden.

Here are some photos, enjoy.