July 17, 2023

Grooming My Weeping Hornbeams

Here at my Bedford, New York farm today, we're cleaning up after the torrential weekend rains. We got quite a bit of damage - fallen trees due to lighting and oversaturated soil, excessive runoff that washed away gravel from the carriage roads, and flooded garden beds causing many of the vegetables to rot. It's a lot of work on top of an already long list of outdoor chores.

Last week, despite the hot and humid summer weather, my outdoor grounds crew worked hard pruning, grooming, and planting. Pasang Sherpa, who is our resident tree expert here dedicated a few days to the six beautiful weeping hornbeams that line one side of what I call my "soccer field" - a large, flat area where my grandson, Truman, loves to play. Botanically known as Carpinus betulus 'pendula', the weeping hornbeam is deciduous and has a tight, dense growth pattern. I keep a close eye on all my hornbeams - it’s crucial that they be pruned regularly, so they never look too overgrown and unruly.

Here are some photos, enjoy. And check out my Instagram page @MarthaStewart48 to see some of the damage caused by this recent storm.

July 15, 2023

A Business Luncheon at My Farm

Business gatherings are always so much more enjoyable when accompanied by a delicious homemade meal.

Earlier this week, I hosted a luncheon at my home for a group of colleagues and associates. My friend, Chef Pierre Schaedelin from PS Tailored Events, and I, planned a wonderful summer menu for 14-guests that included beet borscht with carrots, onion, Red Bliss new potatoes and crème fraîche, risotto with English peas and artichokes, and for dessert black currant and raspberry sorbet with brown butter shortbread. All the vegetables and fruits were grown right here at my Bedford, New York farm and many were picked fresh that morning. It was an excellent lunch and a most productive and interesting meeting.

Enjoy these photos.

July 14, 2023

Planting Hostas in a Shade Garden

Another interesting and informational episode of "Martha Gardens" is now available exclusively on The Roku Channel - Azaleas, Hostas, and Wild Birds. Be sure to stream it!

Every year here at my farm, I add lots of plants to both existing gardens as well as new spaces. Earlier in spring, in a large area under the shade of my majestic dawn redwoods, Metasequoia, we planted lots of hostas. Hostas, with a palette of so many different colors, textures, and sizes have tremendous landscape value and offer great interest to the garden. The hostas came from Pioneer Gardens, a wholesale company located on the outskirts of Deerfield, Massachusetts.

Enjoy these photos. And be sure to watch "Martha Gardens" to learn more about growing hostas.