July 20, 2023

What's Growing in My Orchard

No plants give sweeter returns than fruit trees. And this year, I have so many delicious fruits growing here at my Bedford, New York farm.

Fresh fruit is one of nature's most delicious products. This summer, we've already picked boxes and boxes of raspberries, blueberries, and currants, but all the others - the peaches, apples, pears, medlars, etc., are developing so nicely. I have an orchard around my pool filled with more than 200 different fruit trees. Most of the fruits aren't ready to pick just yet, but it won't be long before we start harvesting our first of many bounties.

Here are some photos, enjoy.

July 19, 2023

Planting Perennials from Monrovia

For anyone passionate about gardening, it's always so rewarding to plant new specimens and watch them flourish.

Recently, I received a large assortment of beautiful plants grown by Monrovia, a wholesale plant nursery specializing in well-nurtured shrubs, perennials, annuals, ferns, grasses, and conifers with several nursery locations across the country. I decided a selection of hostas, heucheras, and lady's mantles would look perfect in the new expanded beds behind my Tenant House and around my Basket House. Last week, my gardeners Ryan McCallister and Brian O'Kelly, placed them and planted them before the heavy rains.

Enjoy these photos.

July 18, 2023

Cleaning Up a Fallen Tree

Clean-up continues today at my Bedford, New York farm after torrential rains pounded through the Northeast over the weekend. I hope you saw the photos on my Instagram page @MarthaStewart48.

It’s heartbreaking to see the many images of areas ravaged by this storm. In many regions of New England and the Northeast, this recent rain caused flash flooding, deluged roadways, and thousands of power outages. Fortunately, my farm escaped major damage. There was extensive runoff on the carriage roads, trees hit by lightning, and trees completely uprooted from the oversaturated soil, but everything here can be fixed, and my outdoor grounds crew is working very hard to get things back into shape. If you were in this recent storm, I hope you and your families are safe.

Here are are some photos.