August 24, 2023

Yew Trees for My Living Maze

A selection of yew trees, Taxus, a coniferous evergreen, related to pines, spruces, firs, cedars, and cypress now fills another section of my living maze.

My three-acre living maze is located in a pasture just outside my Winter House. As many of you know, I designed this garden maze last year, and already we've planted more than a third of the space. The area is a growing puzzle of tall plantings - tall enough to prevent those walking through from seeing the paths ahead. The maze includes rows, openings, and various dead ends, but only one true route leading to the center - all according to a very detailed map I created. It's a huge undertaking, but I am so pleased with its progress.

Enjoy these photos.

August 23, 2023

Picking Beautiful Dahlia Blooms

It's dahlia season and here at my Bedford, New York farm we have lots of gorgeous, bright, and colorful dahlia blooms indoors and out.

Dahlia is a genus of tuberous plants that are members of the Asteraceae family and are related to the sunflower, daisy, chrysanthemum, and zinnia. They grow from small tubers planted in the spring. And from late June until the first autumn frost, these flowers give off a stunning show with blooms ranging from small to giant dinner-plate size. Earlier this week, we cut some of them to make bright summer arrangements for my home.

Enjoy these photos.

August 22, 2023

My New Hud-Son H360 Hydraulic Portable Sawmill

Recycling felled trees into valuable, usable lumber is always a big priority here at my Bedford, New York farm.

Over the years, I've planted thousands and thousands of trees. Unfortunately, I've also lost many trees - they've fallen during storms, or had to be cut down because of damage or disease. I always save the logs and have them milled into usable boards. Some time ago, I decided to gift myself with a portable sawmill, so I could cut the lumber right here at the farm when needed. Last week, my property manager, Doug White, and Pete Sherpa from my crew, got a lesson on how to use it - our new Hud-Son H360 Hydraulic Portable Sawmill.

Enjoy these photos.

And here is a short video showing the sawmill in action.