August 31, 2023

The Sunflowers are Blooming

Here at the farm, the sunflowers are in bloom with their big daisy-like faces and brightly colored petals - it's always a very welcomed sight.

If you recall, my head gardener, Ryan McCallister, planted our sunflowers, Helianthus, in late June. They were planted in the center bed of my new vegetable garden. Sunflowers are the popular and cheerful annuals whose giant, round flower heads look like the sun. They come in vibrant yellow, but they're also seen in various shades of orange, red, bronze, and even white.

Enjoy these photos.

August 30, 2023

Planting Weeping Camperdown Elms in the Maze

My garden maze here at my Bedford, New York farm now includes three weeping camperdown elm trees, Ulmus glabra 'Camperdownii.'

As many of you know, I am in the process of building a living maze, a botanical puzzle of interesting trees, hedges, espaliers, and shrubs. I started this three-acre maze project in the spring of last year, and it's already beginning to stump some of those who stroll through its pathways. Some of the other specimens include European beech, European hornbeams, boxwood, parrotias, espaliered apple trees, American sweetgums, barberry, London planetrees, privets, yews, and now these camperdown elms.

Enjoy these photos.

August 29, 2023

My Summer in Maine 2023, Part Two

I just love my summers in Maine.

Every year, I try to spend two or three weeks - give or take - at my beautiful refuge in Seal Harbor, Maine. This year, the weather was fantastic and I enjoyed many local day trips with friends, walks along the beaches, and a special birthday celebration at Skylands with my family.

Here are more photos from my time in Maine - enjoy. And see more photos on my Instagram page @marthastewart48.