September 15, 2023

Planting Inside My Vegetable Greenhouse

My vegetable greenhouse is ready for the next season of indoor growing.

We're still growing and harvesting from the outdoor vegetable garden, but with autumn just around the corner attention is also directed toward my vegetable greenhouse and planting its first crops for the coming cold season. Doing this now ensures we will have fresh delicious vegetables right into fall. I constructed this special greenhouse so I could grow organic vegetables in the ground all year long. The structure, which is essentially a cold house, was inspired by writer, Eliot Coleman, an expert in four-season farming. To start, this week my head gardener, Ryan McCallister, planted a collection of vegetable plant plugs that were started and grown in individual cells filled with soil. We are always trying different ways to plant our crops to see which methods work best. He will also plant seeds in this greenhouse in the coming weeks.

Here are some photos - enjoy.

September 14, 2023

Time to Bathe the Chow Chows!

Some of you have asked how my dogs are doing. I'm happy to report - my two French Bulldogs, Crème Brûlée and Bête Noire, and my two Chow Chows, Empress Qin and Emperor Han, are all doing wonderfully.

My dogs are groomed and checked for ticks and fleas every day. They are also bathed regularly - every couple weeks for the dogs, and about once a month for my cats. Recently, it was bath time for Qin and Han. I actually love to do this task myself when I am home, but when I am away, my house cleaner, Carlos, takes on job. When bathing pets, it’s important to always use lukewarm water and only mild pet shampoos - we use my own Martha Stewart shampoos and conditioners from my collection on Amazon.

Here are some photos, enjoy.

September 13, 2023

Caring for My Allée of Pin Oaks

We're getting lots of outdoor work done around my Bedford, New York farm despite the hot and humid late summer weather. This time of year, my outdoor grounds crew is busy weeding, weed whacking, and pruning.

Pruning is one of our biggest and most important tasks. Proper pruning improves the health of the plants, prevents disease, and encourages better growth. There are different pruning strategies for different times of the year, but overall the goals are the same - to control the shape, to keep bushes and trees fresh and open, and to allow for better air circulation through the center of the specimen. This week, my outdoor grounds crew "limbed up" the majestic pin oaks and removed all the dead branches.

Here are some photos, enjoy.