July 20, 2020

Biking Around the Farm on My Pedego E-Bike

Are you heading out for a bike ride today? Biking is gaining lots of popularity, especially during this time of social distancing. It's a wonderful way to exercise and spend time with friends and family. Today's bikes are a big improvement over what we rode as children. Nowadays, they offer a variety of different features to make two-wheel traveling easier and so much more comfortable.

Last week, I took a lovely ride around my Bedford, New York farm. Joined by my friend and colleague, Kevin Sharkey, we biked the entire four-miles of carriage road on my Interceptor e-bikes from Pedego, an e-bike manufacturing and retail sales company in Irvine, California. Along the way, we stopped to check on the gardens, visit my chickens, and say hi to my peafowl. Pedego e-bikes can be operated manually or electrically, and the battery-powered “pedal-assist” motor provides just enough boost to zip up hills or cruise over challenging terrain whenever needed.

Here are some photos, enjoy.

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