May 6, 2008

More signs of spring! Please feel free to leave me a comment

Because the gardens are changing so rapidly at the farm, I thought you’d like to see some more signs of spring.  It seems as though plants are literally popping out of the ground and growing right before my eyes.  I can’t wait to get home each day and see what’s new, as we’ve planted so much this past year.   It’s just so exciting!

This is a lovely cement bowl filled with thriving, pale-green succulents.  It adorns one entrance to my home. CLICK HERE TO VIEW MORE OF MY SUCCULENTS

I love this Japanese painted fern.  It’s planted next to a delicate, white frittalaria

A row of newly planted weeping hornbeams

The vegetable garden is thriving after a few inches of much-needed rain.

Francesca is enjoying the softly mulched garden paths.

My pergola in the springtime

The peonies are growing so tall inside their string supports!

Sharkey stops for refreshment in the reflecting pool.

She thinks it feels good on the feet, too.

This is a grove of little sugar maples – I look forward to tapping them one day for syrup.

A beautiful trillium in a woodland garden

A cluster of wild mushrooms which popped out after the rain – They’re so bronze and shiny.

Here’s a single specimen growing all alone.

Look at these beautiful and fragrant apple blossoms soon to become sweet apples.

These brilliant white, petite flowers are candytuft ‘snowflake.’