October 17, 2024

Fruits of My Farm

What fall fruits are growing near you?

It's amazing how quickly plants and trees grow and change day to day. Starting in September, many of the trees in this area begin their autumn transformations - changing from bold green to various shades of red, yellow, and brown. Now in October, many of those leaves have started to fall. In some cases exposing the season's fruits. We've already picked and enjoyed many apples and pears, but I also have quince, persimmons, medlars, a variety of crabapple berries, and those of the Cornus kousa, osage oranges, and trifoliate oranges, and other autumn treats - some we eat, some we can't, but many provide wildlife with sugar, protein, fat, and other crucial nutrients to sustain them through the coming winter.

Here are some photos, enjoy.