Cats of Cantitoe Corners
Many of you often ask about my pets. I am happy to report - they're all doing very well, including my youngest furred companions, my kittens Cinco and Mayo.
Born on March 15th of this year, these young felines are now eight months old and free to roam the stable complex and surrounding area during the day. In the afternoon, the sister pair returns to the feed room where they eat and sleep. And don't forget Blackie, my greenhouse cat. He is also doing excellently. He guards my gardens and loves greeting everyone who visits.
Enjoy these recent photos of the "Cats of Cantitoe Corners."
- The kittens are getting bigger and smarter every day. This is Mayo, the tabby.
- And this is Cinco, the Calico. While these sisters were born last March, they arrived at my farm on Cinco de Mayo, the 5th of May – hence their names.
- Cinco is very friendly and curious. She is the first to run to visitors.
- Mayo is a little bit more shy, but she has warmed up well and now also loves the company and attention from everyone.
- Here’s Cinco saying hi to Juan and my handsome Friesian, Geert.
- Calico cats have tricolor coats. The calico cat is commonly 25 to 75-percent white with large orange and black patches. And, calicos are almost exclusively female.
- Tabby cats have a distinctive coat pattern and an “M”-shaped marking on the forehead. The pattern can include stripes, dots, lines, flecks, bands, or swirls on the cat’s body, and the cat may also have stripes by its eyes and across its cheeks, back, legs, and tail.
- Cinco also loves to greet the donkeys in their enclosure, but don’t worry, she keeps her distance for safety. Cats are naturally athletic and have many characteristics that contribute to their agility, speed, and impressive jumping ability.
- Cinco also loves playing with the feathers she finds.
- She has a great sense of balance and can walk comfortably along the edge of the wheelbarrow.
- A cat’s strongest senses include smell, hearing, and night vision. They can transition from sleep to wakefulness very quickly without grogginess. Mayo is very observant.
- And where one goes, the other is never far away. These two are Scottish Fold mixes. Their purebred mom had them shortly after she was rescued herself. The breed is known for having a sweet and loving nature.
- Cats have a wider field of vision than humans, but need to be closer to see things in the same detail. Felines have much better night vision than humans too.
- Mayo loves to rest on the cool stone floor of the stable. Kittens six months and older, and adult cats, sleep about 16 to 18 hours a day on average. And, kittens have a similar routine to adult cats, napping throughout the day. They are usually most active at dawn and dusk.
- But it’s not long before she’s up and ready to explore again.
- Here’s Cinco under my carriage. Many cats love to lounge in a warm sunlit space.
- These two are very close and watch out for each other as good sisters do. There’s still so much for them to learn.
- Up at my main greenhouse, one can often find Blackie. Every day he makes his rounds, saying hi to everyone he sees. Blackie loves people and is always ready for a good rub.
- And he loves keeping watch inside the greenhouse. When my head gardener, Ryan McCallister, is potting up plants, Blackie is right there next to him.
- Blackie stays near my main greenhouse and loves the shade gardens near my pergola and Tenant House.
- And at night he’s back indoors guarding the space from any and all small furred intruders. Thanks, Blackie. Sharing a home with cats… it’s a good thing.