March 4, 2024

Pruning Apple Trees

It’s time to prune the apple trees!

If you grow these wonderful fruit trees, the best time to prune them is now - in winter - or in very early spring before any new growth begins. Pruning not only helps to develop proper shape and form, but also encourages new growth, promotes high fruit yield, and maintains good tree health. At my Bedford, New York farm, I have many, many apple trees that are pruned every year. My outdoor grounds recently tackled some near my tennis court.

Enjoy these photos.

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  • Good pruning job. Beautiful trees. Thanks for the blog.

  • Hi Martha,
    Your apple trees and the apples always look so nice. I wish I could grow an apple and an orange trees but I don't have a big yard anymore and I also think most apple trees require many chill hours. Northern Florida might get some chill hours but not where I live. I loved living in Michigan in my teens where we got the best apples at Blake's Apple Orchard. I'd look into shipping but I'd be the only one eating the apples. My son doesn't even like apple pie! Thanks for another interesting blog. Trish