This Season's Holiday Decorations in My Home
I just love how my home looks this time of year - adorned with festive lights and beautiful ornaments.
Every year, I fill my home with lots of cheerful holiday decorations. In my Winter House, I put up Christmas trees, wreaths, and lots of charming woodland animals. I like to include a mix of old favorites as well as new, including items I've developed for my own collections. All these beautiful objects delight everyone who visits my home throughout the season.
Enjoy these photos.
- My Chow Chows Empress Qin and Emperor Han are ready for the holidays.
- This large wreath is above my Winter House kitchen door. I love to decorate my home with lots of wreaths inside and out.
- Indoors, on each of the windows in my servery we hung silver wreaths. The servery is between my sitting room and my kitchen. A servery is a room from which meals are served. Whenever I entertain, I like to use the area for serving desserts and drinks.
- On the middle island, a gorgeous holiday cactus in bloom – it adds such wonderful color.
- I always use lots and lots of trees – big and small, green, silver, or gold in every room. These are simple, white bottlebrush trees sitting on my servery counter.
- On my windowsill, we used these cheerful Flat Jeweled Pedestal Trees from my collection on QVC.
- In my adjacent sitting room, a beautiful gold tree filled with ornaments and lights. Many of these ornaments are also from my collections on QVC and at
- These Metallic Fur Owls have metallic feathers and faux fur. We placed two under the tree with some wrapped gifts.
- Wreaths don’t always have to be hung from doors or windows. We hung my jeweled wreaths from the sconces in my sitting room.
- And this colorful ball wreath hangs from the beak of the giant falcon in my entrance hall.
- Last year, I created artful metallic houses modeled after the outbuildings here at my farm. This one is my stable with its big doors in front. Lights shine through all the windows of these gold-toned structures. They’re great on a table or along a wide windowsill where guests can see them.
- In my Green Parlor, another pre-lit tree filled green toned ornaments.
- Green, silver, and copper bottle brush trees adorn the table.
- And this flocked tree in a planter is one of two flanking the fireplace. One can never have too many trees during the holidays.
- In my Brown Room, silver ornaments and glass icicles fill every branch of this tree.
- On a nearby table, wise men and a camel – just some of the figures in my Nativity Set – now in an elegant ceramic gold. It is comprised of 14-figurines in all, including three camels, two shepherds, two oxen, three wisemen, an in-keeper, Joseph, Mary, and Baby Jesus in a manger.
- We hung shiny Jeweled Icicle Ornaments on this tabletop tinsel tree sitting on my long dining room table.
- And here above my Equipment Barn doors is my Martha Stewart LED 30-inch Shooting Star available at I love these shooting stars and hang one on every building at my farm during the holidays. I hope you’re enjoying this week before Christmas. And Happy Hanukkah to all those who celebrate! And be sure to go to my Instagram page @MarthaStewart48 to see my holiday greeting.