A Spring Bath for the Donkeys
For donkeys, there's nothing quite like rolling in a fresh patch of dirt. And, while rolling on the ground helps to scratch their backs, it's also a natural behavior for donkeys to cover themselves in dust, which provides great insulation and protection from extreme heat and cold.
Here at my farm, my five Sicilian donkeys, Rufus, Clive, Billie, Jude “JJ” Junior, and Truman “TJ” Junior, are no different - they "live to roll." But yesterday, with spring temperatures reaching 75 degrees Fahrenheit, it was the perfect day for a bath to get them all cleaned up. Each one was thoroughly washed, soaped, and rinsed.
Here are some photos, enjoy.
- On this day, my donkeys got the full “spa treatment.” In the morning, my farrier, Linda Friedman, came by the stable to check the donkeys’ hooves and give them a good trim. After lunch, they all got baths. Donkeys are herd animals, so they don’t like being separated from other members of their pack. When it’s bath time, they all get cleaned together. First, the boys.
- The donkeys are hosed down to get their coats thoroughly wet. Our hoses are hooked up to hot and cold water, so they are washed in lukewarm water. Clive doesn’t seem to mind getting wet.
- The donkeys are then soaped up with an all-natural shampoo. First, their backs are all scrubbed…
- And then their legs and bellies…
- Here, Helen applies a whitening shampoo to Clive’s coat, so it comes out clean and bright. Helen also uses special washing gloves that loosen any dirt or debris. Helen scrubs in the shampoo until it lathers. Clive stays very still.
- Donkey coats are very thick and hold lots of dust and dirt. These gloves have special scrubbing pads that help to clean and massage them.
- Next, a good rinse – again with tepid water. Temperatures were in the 70s, so these outdoor baths were very refreshing.
- It is important to get all the shampoo out of the coat, so it doesn’t irritate the skin. And don’t forget the tail – it can also get quite dirty.
- All three male donkeys get along exceptionally well. They are also very friendly and love greeting anyone who visits – even during a bath.
- Here is Rufus getting a good rinse.
- Clive is almost done.
- Now that it is spring, the donkeys and horses are all shedding their winter coats. Helen uses a shedding blade to help loosen the dead hairs and any debris that did not come out already. When using it, always follow the direction the hair grows. This tool has lacquered spring steel blades with sharp teeth on one side and rounded teeth on the other. When used properly, it also stimulates the coat and draws the oils in the skin to the surface.
- And lastly, Helen uses a moist hand towel to gently clean Clive’s face. It is important not to get any soap, shampoo, or water in their eyes. I think they all appreciate a good face cleaning.
- All done, my sweet donkeys – Rufus, Truman “TJ” Junior, and Clive are all very clean. As a treat, Dolma walks the trio over to some fresh grass to let them graze for a few minutes before returning to their stall.
- Next are the girls. Billie and Jude “JJ” Junior are the only females in my stable. Here they are getting shampooed.
- … and scrubbed. Look at all the hair that came off the girls’ coats with the scrubbing glove.
- The baths are done as quickly as possible, so they don’t get chills. Fortunately, this day is very mild.
- Helen rinses every leg thoroughly – so much dirt can accumulate in their coats.
- And here is Helen using the shedding blade to remove those dead hairs. It is so much more comfortable for the donkeys to be groomed regularly.
- Then it’s rinse time. The shampoo is very gentle and soothing to the skin. After they are completely lathered up, Helen and Dolma will wait a few minutes to allow the shampoo to soak into the coats. The donkeys are rinsed multiple times to be sure they are thoroughly clean and soap-free.
- Helen cleans their faces with another damp cloth. As warmer weather sets in, the donkeys will be washed as much as once a week.
- The donkeys are left to dry naturally on this warm spring day. Five donkeys are now washed and squeaky clean. They’re ready for the weekend.
- That bath wasn’t so bad, was it Billie and “JJ”? Are you ready for a treat? Don’t tell them, but today all five donkeys are also scheduled for their warm weather haircuts. Stay tuned for more photos.