My Beautiful Canaries in Spring
My colorful and melodious red factor canaries are thriving, and this time of year we have several beautiful babies and more eggs just waiting to hatch.
As many of you know, I keep a number of birds as pets, including a couple dozen or so canaries that live with me inside my Winter House. They have a large wooden cage I designed after one that came from France that was built around 1900. It sits at one end of my airy and light-filled enclosed porch. Early every morning, one of the first things I do is remove the cover from their cage - they are all so gorgeous. I love their company, sweet song and curious, active personalities.
Here are some recent photos of these darling birds - enjoy.
- My male canaries are singing louder than ever. It’s always fun to watch them fly from perch to perch every morning – they are very active and cheerful.
- My canaries love this location in my home – they can see so much from the big floor to ceiling windows and doors. I also keep classical music on for them every day.
- Named after its beautiful plumage, the red factor canary, Serinus canaria domestica, is one of the most popular canary breeds.
- Here is one of the babies already flying around the cage. Healthy and well-cared for canaries can live at least 10 to 12 years.
- Another baby bird – still with tufts of young feathers atop its head. I love the coloring on this youngster.
- These two are both sitting on a clutch of eggs in one of the nests high up in the cage.
- Red factor canaries were developed in the early 1900s by crossing a Venezuelan Black-Hooded Red Siskin with a yellow canary. In order to maintain their rich red plumage, red factors must be fed foods rich in beta-carotene, or a supplement of half pure beta-carotene and half pure canthaxanthin.
- Every morning, the birds are given a fresh buffet of seeds, leafy greens, and fruits. The birds rush to their bowls right away. This baby is old enough to feast on its own. Seed blends are designed to support the birds’ seasonal needs with a wide range of micronutrients for resting, breeding and molting seasons.
- This young canary is eager to see what else may come into the cage.
- A canary’s metabolism is very fast, so it’s important to be observant of their eating needs and habits. Many of the greens come from my gardens – picked fresh every day.
- These birds relish a fresh diet. When hatched, canaries are pale yellow-peach or orange. As they grow, they develop more red coloring from the beta carotene in their foods. On this canary, you can see three pretty color shades – peach, red and orange.
- Here is another baby bird – its color combinations are so beautiful.
- This canary looks as if it has just taken a bath in one of the water dishes.
- If you choose to keep canaries, be sure to get the largest cage your budget allows, so they have ample room to exercise, spread their wings and perch on different levels and surfaces.
- Breeding usually occurs in the spring. The canaries like to breed when the temperature is around 70-degrees Fahrenheit and there are about 14-hours of light. Look closely and all these nests are occupied by sitting hens.
- In this nest, a mother and baby. Canary babies grow rapidly and will leave the nest roughly two to three weeks after hatching.
- The corn cob litter on the floor of the cage is changed daily, so the birds are always in a fresh, clean environment.
- The branches are also changed often. Canaries do not need special toys like some other birds, but they do need strong perches with multiple branches.
- Red factor canaries are prized for their color rather than their song, but they are also very melodious singers and enjoy singing all day long.
- Canaries are generally good-natured, social creatures. Healthy canaries will always have clear, bright eyes, clean, smooth feathers and curious, active dispositions.
- In general, canaries don’t like lots of handling, but my canaries are used to all the activity around them, so they are never scared when visitors approach.
- Even this baby came right up to the edge of the cage to say hi – I guess it likes its photo taken. See you soon, my dear little friend.