June 2, 2018

The First Garden Tour of the Season at My Farm

It’s garden tour season at my Bedford, New York farm.

Every now and then, I agree to open my gardens for private walking tours. This week, we hosted the first scheduled tour for the Garden Club of Manchester. The Garden Club of Manchester was founded in 1920 with a mission to raise horticultural interest in southern Vermont. The club has grown to more than 100-members and its work includes civic beautification and conservation projects throughout the region. Unfortunately, because of my busy work schedule, I wasn’t able to join them for the tour, but my head gardener, Ryan McCallister, guided the walk through the allees and gardens. The day was very cloudy, but everything was flourishing with color and life.

Here are some photos…

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  • So beautiful... verdant and healthy are the gardens! Each year, it gets better and there's always something different, with new plantings and photo #27, the "new" old fountain added to the landscape. I love it. Thank you, Martha. Enjoy the weekend.

  • Love it all but especially: the beautiful peonies, iris & "Miss Kim" lilacs. What a wonderful tour of your fabulous garden Martha:)

  • What a credit to you Martha. How I wished I could magically be there from New Zealand in the blink of an eye. But I could and did. Thank you. I was so,impressed with the weeping copper beech. First I have ever seen. Everything made me want to rush out and buy packets of seeds for spring.

  • Feeling of gratitude and peace must envelope everyone and you when you walk along these allées… How you love creating paths and passages for all to experience! ?
    These are heavenly sights that you created with your team. A day around these plants and creatures of life and all stress and distress would have be forgotten.
    Your touring guests surely felt rejuvenated and welcome among so much beauty and hospitality.
    Thanks for sharing, Martha and her lovely team.
    Have a wonderful new week !


  • Wow, so gorgeous! What a transformation spring brings from winter to summer. 🙂

  • Hi Martha,
    Your gardens get more beautiful every year! When I see the group walking, I try to imagine the sound of 25 oohs and ahs or total silence if they are all taken aback at such beauty as they stroll along. I'd be oohing and aahing all the time. I like it that Linden trees provide dapple shade and I liked seeing that word used in one of the captions. I'm assuming any plants growing beneath them require dappled shade. I'd like to find some of that for my anthurium plant which requires sun but not direct sun. The plant does not like its new home...and neither do I. Maybe it is giving me a sign that I should move again but in the meantime, it sure was refreshing to see your garden photos today! Trish